Drink the Sea

Album Name: Drink The Sea
Band: The Glitch Mob
Rating: 5/5

I love this album to all hell and back and cannot suggest it strongly enough. Daft Punk may try and give Mob a run for its money, but it's going to be hard trying to top this one for Best Album of 2010. For those on a budget, it's almost $2 cheaper on Amazon than on iTunes.

01. Animus Vox
02. Bad Wings
03. How To Be Eaten By A Woman
04. A Dream Within A Dream
05. Fistful Of Silence
06. Between Two Points (feat. Swan)
07. We Swarm
08. Drive It Like You Stole It
09. Fortune Days
10. Starve The Ego, Feed The Soul

Don't take my word for it.
Believe your ears and press play!
(I suggest skipping the first and last tracks)

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