Happiness = Productivity

Excerpt from the article Top 10 reasons why happiness at work is the ultimate productivity booster...

Here are the 10 most important reasons why happiness at work is the #1 productivity booster.

1. Happy people work better with others. Happy people are a lot more fun to be around and consequently have better relations at work. This translates into:

* Better teamwork with your colleagues
* Better employee relations if you’re a manager
* More satisfied customers if you’re in a service job
* Improved sales if you’re a sales person

2. Happy people are more creative. If your productivity depends on being able to come up with new ideas, you need to be happy at work. Check out the research of Teresa Amabile for proof. She says:

If people are in a good mood on a given day, they’re more likely to have creative ideas that day, as well as the next day, even if we take into account their mood that next day.

There seems to be a cognitive process that gets set up when people are feeling good that leads to more flexible, fluent, and original thinking, and there’s actually a carryover, an incubation effect, to the next day.

3. Happy people fix problems instead of complaining about them. When you don’t like your job, every molehill looks like a mountain. It becomes difficult to fix any problem without agonizing over it or complaining about it first. When you’re happy at work and you run into a snafu – you just fix it.

4. Happy people have more energy. Happy people have more energy and are therefore more efficient at everything they do.

5. Happy people are more optimistic. Happy people have a more positive, optimistic outlook, and as research shows (particularly Martin Seligman’s work in positive psychology), optimists are way more successful and productive. It’s the old saying “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re probably right” all over again.

6. Happy people are way more motivated. Low motivation means low productivity, and the only sustainable, reliable way to be motivated at work is to be happy and like what you do. I wrote about this in a previous post called Why "motivation by pizza" doesn’t work.

7. Happy people get sick less often. Getting sick is a productivity killer and if you don’t like your job you’re more prone to contract a long list of diseases including ulcers, cancer and diabetes. You’re also more prone to workplace stress and burnout.

One study assessed the impact of job strain on the health of 21,290 female nurses in the US and found that the women most at risk of ill health were those who didn’t like their jobs. The impact on their health was a great as that associated with smoking and sedentary lifestyles (source).

8. Happy people learn faster. When you’re happy and relaxed, you’re much more open to learning new things at work and thereby increasing your productivity.

9. Happy people worry less about making mistakes – and consequently make fewer mistakes. When you’re happy at work the occasional mistake doesn’t bother you much. You pick yourself up, learn from it and move on. You also don’t mind admitting to others that you screwed up – you simply take responsibility, apologize and fix it. This relaxed attitude means that less mistakes are made, and that you’re more likely to learn from them.

10. Happy people make better decisions. Unhappy people operate in permanent crisis mode. Their focus narrows, they lose sight of the big picture, their survival instincts kick in and they’re more likely to make short-term, here-and-now choices. Conversely, happy people make better, more informed decisions and are better able to prioritize their work.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Freedom to Fascism

Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 - August 24, 2007), Academy Award winning film maker and beloved friend and manager to many actors and actresses, interviews many politicians, organizations and civilians to clarify the frauds perpetrated by an elite group against the American people for nearly a century, focusing on the Federal Reserve, World Bank, IRS and the upcoming RFID chip.

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes."
~Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

There is a bill in the House at this very moment, put forth by Senator Ron Paul, to audit the Federal Reserve. Support actions such as these in your local and national government. If you are ever called to sit on a jury in a tax case, ask the judge to show you the exact law requiring a person to pay the tax and vote "not guilty" when the law cannot be shown (because it doesn't exist). Cases cannot be won when educated jurors sit on them. If you are ever audited, immediately make a Freedom of Information Act Request for the records that are being used to substantiate and justify the audit.

There is no such thing as a Democrat or a Republican. Obama, the current U.S. President, has already convinced world leaders to give 1.1-trillion dollars to the corrupt World Bank and is now giving the Federal Reserve direct powers over the corporate sector as well as giving them American tax money billions at a time. He is only a continuation of a long line of corrupt presidents. These institutions are the slavers:

The Federal Reserve
The Fraternity of the Skull and Bones
The Bilderberg Group
The Trilateral Commission
The World Bank/Central Bank
The International Monetary Fund
The World Trade Organization
The Bank for International Settlements
The Council on Foreign Relations
...and more

...and these are fighting the slavers!

NonTaxpayer dot Org
We the People Foundation
InfoWars dot Com
FreedomToFascism dot Com
...and many more

To make clear that these slavers understand what they are doing, here are the written words of Paul Warburg, who designed the Federal Reserve system and sat on the Council of Foreign Relations:

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

A far cry from the founding fathers and those who followed them. Here are quotes from both Lincoln and Jefferson talking out against this very system:

"If the American People ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing power of money should be taken from the bankers and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies."
~Thomas Jefferson

"The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity."
~Abraham Lincoln

We find ourselves in a brief moment in the history of the world where information is free, widespread and transmitted near-instantaneously. This moment is ending. Obama, along with other countries, are placing the backbones--the infrastructure--of the Internet under government control, using cyberattacks and the War on Terrorism as their excuse to do so. Information will not be free for long. Spread it while you can. Get this message out and take the power away from those who seek our slavery.

This game is not over.

Ben Underwood - Seeing without Eyes

Ben Underwood died at the start of this year (January, 2009). He is noted for having taught himself how to see with his ears after cancer took both of his eyes. He learned how to not only pick up on pressure and sound variances, but then taught himself how to click with his tongue and pick up on the echoes it created (echolocation). It really is better simply to watch than explain:

[note: five-part video, automatically switches]

The Transhumanist movement (h+) as well as the blind have a lot to learn from the life he lived and discoveries he made. For more on echolocation, here is the entry on Wikipedia:



Shane Acker made a ten-minute short animation that tells a large story with very little. Sadly, the full feature based on the short couldn't live up to the original ten minutes. But, fortunately, the original is on YouTube and is as enjoyable as ever... so... enjoy!

[2010.07.24] - Removed trailer and promotional material from entry